
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

A Tearful Day With A Happy Ending

So today has been a horrible day for me. I don't think I've ever really cried in public, but I did today. I'm still not sure how I'm going to handle my new burdens and challenges, but I feel better now. My friends have consoled me. I put up a status on Facebook I was so depressed. I'm not one to share my feelings with the world, but today I just felt the need. I don't like to cry out for attention like that, but I guess I did today, and I do feel better. It's great to hear from friends you sort of forgot about, tell you that they love and care about you. There's hard times ahead, but maybe with my friends' support I'll be able to make it through. The people who cheer you up when you're down are your true friends.
I'll keep fighting.

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