
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Lovely Christmas

It's crazy when at those moments in your life when you're in such an intense relationship, whether it be friendship or more, and you can miss someone who freely misses you in return.
Love: a feeling of mutual concern and hope for the best of another. 
Moments apart feel like years.
Smiles appear on your face just thinking about them.
They make you happy.

New Friend:
You understand me
You like the same quirky things as me
You put up with shopping with me for hours
You're inspired by me
You trust me
You speak your mind
I admire you

Look past the outward appearance, see into the heart


  1. Hold onto this wonderful person! I have six lovely friends who I haven't seen in about three weeks, and I really miss them. I used to have another.....but then we found out she was a pathological liar or just a liar. Anyway, I don't wanna be all depressing, merry christmas!

  2. I hope to hold onto them for as long as I can! That's too bad about the one friend :( hopefully you'll see your good friends again soon!


Thoughts of any kind are appreciated!